PostmortemIssue Summary On September 11 2018 between 9:00am and 9:33am, clients trying to visit the were unable to log access the…Sep 19, 2018Sep 19, 2018
What happens when you type in your browser and press EnterSo you heard about this school called and you wanted to learn more about it so you do what every smart human being would google it…Aug 6, 2018Aug 6, 2018
RECURSIONS SIMPLIFIEDRecursion is the repeated application of a recursive procedure or definition. It is one of the many tools programmers utilize in solving…Aug 3, 2018Aug 3, 2018
Dynamic Libraries and How to Use themLibraries are places where we go to find information about certain things we need to do some research on (well before the advent of…Apr 17, 2018Apr 17, 2018
Behind the SHELL: How does ls -l work?When I started taking school 10 weeks ago, I had only heard about the terminal and didn’t know what it was or how it worked. Our first few…Mar 22, 2018Mar 22, 2018
Understanding the C static LibraryLibraries are places where we go to find information about certain tthins we need to do some research on (well before the advent of…Feb 12, 2018Feb 12, 2018
What Happens when you type gcc main.c?There are a lot of waiting to be done these days: waiting for coffee, waiting at the DMV, or waiting for your code to compile. I had never…Jan 18, 2018Jan 18, 2018
Hard Link vs. Soft LinkIf you have seen Rogue one, you may have come across a character called Chirrut Imwe whose most famous line was “I am one with the Force…Jan 16, 2018Jan 16, 2018
Ls *.c - a wild goose chase?If you are trying to find something and you don’t know exactly where to look, you enlist the help of someone or an equipment to make your…Jan 16, 2018Jan 16, 2018